There are a few companies that are trying to correct America’s checkered history of overtly hurtful and racist imagery in branding, especially in packaged goods. Aunt Jemima, Mrs. Butterworth’s, Cream of Wheat and Uncle Ben’s are confronting an inevitable brand overhaul due to decades read more
Black Lives Matter Blog Featured
2019 taught us a few things about life–we say this reflecting five and a half months into 2020 and 9 weeks into quarantine. But, a big thing that 2019 showed us was the big power of irrationality and the positive effects that can occur read more
A month into the Great Quarantine of 2020, COVID-19 has taught us (i.e. forced us) how to adapt in a remote age. One industry that’s been forced to “modernize” is the health space. Telemedicine has become increasingly relevant since the onset of our quarantine. read more
It’s no secret that Janice, Founder of Oblique Design and Kelly, Account Manager for Oblique, embarked on an incredible journey in 2019 as they traveled the world with Remote Year and had the opportunity to work remotely in 12 different countries. 3 months have read more
We know we talk a lot about creative web design and how it’s part of the special recipe for attracting the right customer to a business. We’ve also gone into detail about UX and UI; but what we haven’t covered are a few psychology read more
Really good looking retail packaging might be the key to saving the environment. Hear us out. There’s a company called Loop, founded by Tom Szaky. It’s a global circular shopping platform that uses durable, recyclable containers in an effort to eliminate waste. Loop partners read more
We talk a lot about the importance of creative web design, and that’s because the Internet is such a key component to everyday living. The Internet of Things (IOT) refers to devices (“things”) with a unique login per user that are connected, accessed, configured read more
It’s the dawn of the roaring 20s again. And like the first time around, the 20s are stepping it up. This century’s 20s has user friendliness at the forefront of all graphic and digital design. A little bit different than 100 years ago. So, read more