
Psychology Hacks for Better Web Design

We know we talk a lot about creative web design and how it’s part of the special recipe for attracting the right customer to a business. We’ve also gone into detail about UX and UI; but what we haven’t covered are a few psychology hacks for attracting and converting leads into customers. There’s a certain science to the art of design.

So, let’s get into it. Here are 5 hacks: 

  1. Keep your design distraction free

There’s a psychological principle called cognitive fluency which essentially indicates that a person prefers easier tasks to harder ones that require mental processing. AKA If someone has the option to think or not to think… not thinking is easier and you’re going to do that. So what that means in terms of web design is that concurrent with the principle of minimalism, the less design distractions on your website, the more likely a prospective customer will stay on your site and learn about your products.

2. Limit the number of choices

Hick’s Law says that the time it takes to make a decision is directly proportional to the number of choices available. When designing a website keeping Hick’s Law in mind, you should have a clear call to action and a limited number of options available on the checkout or pricing pages. This simplification will ensure that the right prospect will stay on the page long enough to make a choice to buy. 

3. Create a sense of Urgency

At some point in our lives we’ve all been victims to FOMO, or the fear of missing out. The idea that there is only a small window to get what you want or to enjoy something that everyone else is doing is very tangible and real. It has informed our decision making in some way or another. Capturing this sense of urgency can be done by showcasing scarcity in the most common currency we all use: time. By framing the idea that there is a “limited time to get XYZ” your customer won’t have the “I’ll buy this later” mindset. They’re driven to take action right here, right now.

4. Lead them on the Path of Least resistance

Typically, people read web content in an F-Shaped pattern. Content at the top left of websites have the high chances of capturing readers’ attention, and placing content along an “F-Shaped” formation is standard practice. Leading people on the path of least resistance makes it less likely that visitors will bounce away from the site due to the Law of Past Experience: previous experience informs current experience and any deviation from known experiences draws visitor’s attention away. Basically, stick to what you know but be creative about it. 

5. Leverage Human Emotion

It seems that it’s a pretty simple concept that humans relate to other humans. What that means for design is that using people in pictures can subliminally divert prospective customers’ attention. For example, there could be a picture where someone’s gaze is aimed at a Call To Action Button, driving a reader to both see it and possibly click on it. Or, pictures can serve as social proof in order to build trust and credibility. You’re playing upon the idea that “Oh, that person is doing XYZ and so can I.” 

There isn’t a single formula to create successful web design. There are so many tools to help you be creative, but these psychology hacks are specific tools for understanding and leveraging emotions and experiences in a profitable way. Designing with these psychological hacks brings meaning and specificity to your work and ultimately will help you win over your prospective customers.