
4 Rebranding Mistakes Your Business Needs to Avoid

What do you think of when you hear the word rebranding? Slapping a new logo on your website? Shifting a few words around in your company’s description? Or do you think of a complete overhaul? If rebranding is something you are considering for your business, here are four mistakes you need to avoid.

1. Clinging to your business’s branding past

A successful means staying relevant to consumers. Times change, and the assumptions you made when you first established your brand might not hold true now. Operating under those assumptions through the rebranding process will make your efforts much less effective. 

2. Not leveraging your company’s existing brand equity and goodwill

While you do need to loosen your grip on your company’s previous branding as you discuss rebranding, taking a different direction with rebranding could alienate your customers and damage public perception of your company. You do not always have to do a complete overhaul. Sometimes tweaking a few things is the best strategy. 

3. Forgetting to do your research

Businesses give customers a lot of lip service, but they do not always follow through on what they say. In fact, customers – current and prospective – often are left out of the conversation during branding strategy meetings. Research what customers are looking for and integrate that feedback into your overall strategy.

4. Moving in a direction that lacks credibility or only works as a superficial face lift

When you are rebranding, your new brand must resonate with employees and consumers. It also needs to feel authentic to them. People can spot the difference when you are trying to catch a certain audience for a short period of time, or when you are trying to superficially fix a much deeper problem.

If your business is ready to start rebranding, shoot us an email so we can get better acquainted.