
What’s in a Name?

Picking a name can seem like a daunting task. Whether it’s for your child, your band, your social media handle or your brand you know you have to get it right. Today we’re going to talk about the latter, your brand, since we are a Boulder branding agency after all. As with anything else, when building a new brand from scratch we always start with strategy. We’ll help you get a better understanding of your brand and flesh out your vision. Once this is done and you’re left with a handful of names to choose from, how do you pick the one that’s perfect for your brand? Here’s a few tricks we like to suggest to pinpoint the name that’s right for you:

Use your Brand Strategy
Chances are you went through several brand strategy sessions and developed a mission statement, vision and core values. We like to recommend plugging your name options into your mission statement and see which one resonates the most based on the identity of the brand. Basically, which option is most true to your brand.

Try Them in Casual Conversations
Another exercise we like is seeing how the different naming options sound when someone talks about your brand. For example “We went with [insert name here] to contract the new building project” Try out all the name options you have in a few different sentences and get an idea of what feels more natural, after all, a brand is more than just a logo, it’s a gut feeling.

Keep It Simple, but Memorable
A big consideration when deciding on a name is how easily the name can be pronounced and spelled out. After all, you wouldn’t name your child something like X Æ A-Xii (sorry Elon). Your audience’s introduction of your brand will probably come from multiple outlets and it’s important that your name is something memorable but simple enough that it can be passed around by word of mouth.

Whether you’re building a new business from the ground up and need help developing your brand or have been doing business for a while and are ready to refresh your brand, our proprietary SLNT (slant) Method™ will elevate your brand and bring your vision to life. Let’s have a chat!