
Getting ahead with social media

We caught this great article from The Creative Group about the many ways businesses are using social media to get ahead. At Oblique, we know the importance of social media trends and do our best to lead our clients in the right direction. You want to be creative in your social media posts and interact with your consumers. This article makes a few great points about how to better communicate with your target market and, ultimately, create brand awareness and increase your sales. The article focuses on 3 points:

1. Utilizing user-generated content
Why focus solely on initiating your own messages when you can take advantage of all the great things your customers are saying about your company? Savvy businesses are encouraging customers to use trackable, memorable hashtags to tag their photos and posts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and others.

2. Monetizing social media campaigns
Businesses aren’t just earning brand awareness from their social media promotions; they’re also starting to earn money. While there’s no arguing the value of good old-fashioned brand recognition, proving that your efforts result in leads and, better yet, sales will help ensure your social media team stays intact.

3. Posting more selfies
Thought the selfie was limited to your personal Instagram feed? Think again. The way we see it, the corporate equivalent of the selfie is, simply put, giving a behind-the-scenes look at your company’s inner workings. While some could argue the selfie is prompted by self-serving vanity, when done right (even in photo form), selfies can be honest, earnest and engaging.

When your company talks about itself on social media, posts don’t have to be all about how great it thinks it is. What value does that bring to your audience? Instead, share useful, relevant information your company’s friends and followers care about, like in our case, a post promoting how to manage creative people and projects.


Read more:: http://blog.creativegroup.com/social-media-news-3-ways-businesses-are-getting-ahead-with-social